" To have what we call basic consciousness you need to have feelings. That is, the brain must be able to represent what is happening in the body and outside it in a very detailed way. This is where the rock on which the mind forms its base is born and builds itself "
- António Damásio -

Neuropsychological & Psychological Assessments

Children, Teenagers & Adults

Neuropsychological evaluation

The objective of neuropsychological assessment is to characterize cognitive and behavioral functions, using a battery of standardized and empirically validated tests and procedures.
The main objective is to characterize the different executive functions (e.g. attention, memory, language, visual-spatial, among others), as well as their influence on your emotional state/personal life.
This type of treatment promotes the development of therapeutic intervention planning.
As well as monitoring changes in cognitive/emotional functioning over time.

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Book a Psychology or Neuropsychology consultation in ZAPPY Software 

This consultation can be in person or online

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